AerCap Holdings NV is an integrated global aviation company. The Company offers aircraft and engine leasing trading and parts sales as as well as aircraft management services aircraft and engine maintenance repair and overhaul or MRO services and aircraft disassemblies through certified repair stations.

USD 94,93
+ 0,4800 (0,51%)
Fecha/Hora: 27/09/2024 Volumen: 1.181.125
Mínimo: 93,76 Últ. cierre: 94,45
Máximo: 95,10 Apertura 94,81
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Datos Intradiarios

Sin registros
Hora Precio Volumen

New York Stock Exchange

Datos técnicos

Beta: Ventas:
Capitalización(MM): P/Ventas:
P/BV: ROE(%):
Rtado. Neto(MM):

Gráficos por TradingView

Fuente:  Reuters. Las cotizaciones tienen una demora de al menos 20 minutos.  - Información diferida en 30 minutos - Prohibida su reproducción total o parcial