Eni S.p.A. explores for and produces hydrocarbons in Italy Africa the North Sea the Gulf of Mexico Kazakhstan and Australia. The Company both produces natural gas and imports it for sale in Italy and elsewhere in Europe. Eni transports natural gas in pipelines. The Company generates and trades electricity refines oil and operates gasoline service stations.

USD 30,61
+ 0,4200 (1,39%)
Fecha/Hora: 27/09/2024 Volumen: 142.334
Mínimo: 30,40 Últ. cierre: 30,19
Máximo: 30,72 Apertura 30,47
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Datos Intradiarios

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New York Stock Exchange

Datos técnicos

Beta: Ventas:
Capitalización(MM): P/Ventas:
P/BV: ROE(%):
Rtado. Neto(MM):

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